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关于 Uengager


作为数字服务品牌 Ander Digital 致力于提供技术和数据驱动的数字营销解决方案和流量管理解决方案,用于跟踪和分析网络营销各个方面的流量,识别和发现高质量的流量和深度挖掘,将前端战略概念和背景数据分析深度捆绑在一起,提高转化率和 ROI,尤其是用户行为标签分割和管理,并将其转换为高质量的用户或潜在客户。以便根据数据流建立流量闭合。

自 2003 年以来,Ande 一直活跃在数字营销的前线。通过营销运营和产品的集成出口模型、全球资源的实时集成和双语服务,为客户创建最具成本效益的数字营销服务。安德团队一直活跃在数字营销的第一线。通过营销运营和产品集成输出,实时全球资源集成和双语服务的模型,数字营销服务可以为客户创造价值。

主要客户包括Sodexo,Cushman&Wakefield,DTZ,Edan.com和其他大型跨国公司或本地基准公司。我们的主要服务领域包括:流量投资策略,网站架构和SEO优化,社交媒体运营,会员营销,营销产品开发和集成等。请在下面享受我们的 中国浆果。欢迎与我们联系


既有势力的惯性总是强大的, 任何新时代黎明前夕,总有很多人会通过正面战场的厮杀去战胜旧的势力,但这真真是一种最缺乏策略的方法,或者说这是一种最具牺牲性的做法。人类历史上所有的革命都是血淋淋的,但英雄再悲壮,也只能是昨天的故事。

Everlyne 于宜杉-Uengager CEO

于宜杉- Everlyne:

Bicyu client list
Bicyu client list

Uengager 来自英语团队的见解

Uengager – China Traffic Conversion

This article on China Traffic Conversion is another in our simple basic “what is” series written for beginners or novices. It is not an indepth, tech dissertation. Uengager: Maximises China Web Traffic Converstion Every business needs traffic to survive. Earning traffic is hard work, loyal, repeat visitors are worth gold. Don’t allow poor UX to…

Uengager Pricing

Perhaps, for most of us, when it comes to meal times nothing beats the taste of a good old fashioned home cooked meal. Especially when family work together as a team in the preparation and baking. It makes the consumption all the more enjoyable. What has this to do with Uengager?Haha, keep reading~ Sometimes, maybe…

Join the Bico Biz Bloc

In case you missed it and are wondering who Bico Biz Bloc is, we are the company which supports the Aim2D, Bicyu and Uengager brands. Aim2D is, as you know, a media site bringing you the latest, real time news and updates about Business, Marketing, Tech and Social Media in China. Aim2D provides a convenient,…

China Customer On-boarding: User Orientation

This article on Customer On-boarding: User Orientation, is another in our simple basic “what is” series written for beginners or novices. It is not an indepth, tech dissertation. Uengager: China Customer Welcome Chinese consumers like to feel valued, respected, part of the brand family. She needs convincing she made a wise choice in selecting your site.…

What is SaaS?

This article on SaaS is another in our simple basic “what is” series written for beginners or novices. It is not an indepth, tech dissertation. Uengager: SaaS- Cloud Based Subscription Software There is a wide range of UX SaaS tools, fully scalable for most businesses. A cost effective alternative to software purchase. However, not all…


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